Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Result of 80th Banking Diploma Exam, Held on November, 2014

By Ripon Abu Hasnat   Posted at  9:02 AM   Result No comments

To develop professionally qualified and competent bankers primarily through a process of training, examinations and continuing professional development programs, Institute of Bankers are registered in 1973. Every Year it takes exam of different bank executives to examine their knowledge about banking. The successful candidates get JAIBB and DAIBB certificate from the institute. 
The Institute of bankers Bangladesh has been published the result of 80th Banking Diploma exam, held on November, 2014. By the Official website of Institute of Bankers Bangladesh, the result is disclosed. The candidate achieved JAIBB and achieved DAIBB title by passing the respective examination of JAIBB and DAIBB.

1. Completed Result with Name of Candidates with Bank Name (JAIBB)
The Name of the Candidates with bank name who have completed the Banking Diploma Examination (JAIBB) under the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh held in November, 2014 are as:

Completed Result with Name of Candidates with Bank Name (DAIBB)
The Name of the Candidates with bank name who have completed the Banking Diploma Examination (DAIBB) under the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh held in November, 2014 are as:

2. Roll Number-wise Completed JAIBB Results (JAIBB)
Roll Number of the Candidates who have completed the Banking Diploma Examination (JAIBB) under the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh held in November, 2014 are as Resultsof 80th Banking Diploma JAIBB Examination Result, November, 2014

Roll Number-wise Completed JAIBB Results (DAIBB)
Roll Number of the Candidates who have completed the Banking Diploma Examination (JAIBB) under the Institute of Bankers, Bangladesh held in November, 2014 are as Resultsof 80th Banking Diploma DAIBB Examination Result, November, 2014

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